Downiton for android

Unknown | 15:35 |


Have ever wanted to download a file to your mobile devices while surfing the web on your computer? If yes, what did you do?

---Had to type in the exact same link in your web browser on your mobile?
---Had to download that file to your computer then copy to your mobile?
---E-mail yourself that file's url?

It was pain, right? We've experienced the same pain with you. So we come up with to make this job easier!

After installing our app (free, no ads, now and ever later), create an account from website in seconds, then login to app on your device and forget it. It just works for you, no more care about it.

So how does it work?
After logging in to your account on and sign in this account on Android mobile device.
Your devices (as many devices as you have) will be shown up in the list on our website.
Paste your link into the textbox, select the target device and the DOWN-IT-ON- MOBI button will do the rest of magic instantly! - screenshot - screenshot - screenshot thumbnail 

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